Saturday, October 15, 2011

Today is a very important Day for me! It's the first time I have tried to use Twitter an to create a blog.
For everybody who thinks that this seems not to be special: Yes! It is! Because of blindness I have to use a special software, a screen reading software, that reads for me, what's written on the screen. But especially in the www there are many things that don't work, many application limitations! So for me it's very hard, difficult and nerve-streching to surf in the web.
But the web means contacts to outside, means that there is the possibility to find new friends, new intrests and this is so important to me... I'm feeling often sad, alone and hopeless. Often it seems like the world is not intrest in myself. Many people only look for themselves and are happy not to connect to other problems. And not to burden onself with someone like me. It's not easy for me to go to a new place, I need help for that. But don't missunderstand: I fought hard to get back my self depandence and I reched a lot back. But some thing will last. It will never be possible to travel alone, to shop alone and some thoings more..

So because of all that it's a great day because I have reached something new!

And it is so important because in the last 2 weeks i feel once again very alone, cheerless, hopeless... Sometimes i feel nothing. Just thought that I am the living dead... But found something to let me feel again: Bollywood movies! Especially the voice of Shah Rukh Khan helps me, gives me a light in the dark. Sad that I can't tell him...

So, all for today!
Bye bye

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