Friday, October 21, 2011

Hi there

The last two days were very excitng, amazing and made me happy!

For first, I have for many weeks problems with my mobile phone. It's old and it always shut down and i need to restart it about 3 times a day. Often I don't know if somebody call me, hear it hours later.
But for me it is not like for other people. Other people go in a shop, make a new contract with an mobile radiophone service or phone seller and buy one for less money.
So for me it is more difficult because I sm dependent that it is a phone where i can install a speeking/talking software. But that's the problem! Not every mpbile phone, ok only a few, are compatible for this and mostly they are older models, not easy to get. And then they are expensive and I don't have a lot of money. And that would not be all: this software, i urgently use to can handle with a mobile phone, costs a lot of money, the upgrade and buy every time for an new phone...Now I was searching for such a phone in the internet and really, it was expensive. In these modern, technically times most of mobile phones (but also other technical instruments) are used by touchscreen.
So try to imagine: If you have such a phone, close your eyes and use it! You don't want to touch it? Don't know what you are doing? Thats the thing!
Can you imagine that it is also very, very difficult to learn when you are blind? And can you figure out how important it is, as a blind person, to have a mobile phone and to use it? Introduce, you are outside, alone and something hsppens and you need help: Do you think that it is not importent to call some help?Exactly!

For this I called once again the producer to ask, if there are new phones that are testet with this software. Great, only two, also not the newest ones. And then he said: "There is a alternative to these models, i-phone! It has a talking software in it!

So I went with my mother into a shop and wanted to listen and know what? It was amazing! Such a wonderful voice, natural, not synthisized... And every move i made on the touchscreen was told! And becsause to choose something you have to touch onece to choose and to open touch double, I CAN USE IT WITHOUT PROBLEMS! Ok, sure i have to train, but with a 'normal' touchscreen mobile phone it is much more difficult... So i bought one! Never ever thought thst i would ever have a touchscreen mobile phone! And know what? I trained about 4-5 hours and I think i already know how it works! I am tricky in technical things, already before I'm blinded...

And then, to top all this, I had a packadge in my letter box with some movies with Shah Rukh Khan
that i had ordered. What a perfekt day!

And today somebody wrote me in Twitter! He is an Indian, living in Sidney, Australia. We talked a while he ask me things about blindness and he thinks that I am brave, now his freind and his star... Such a lovely person. Married with two kids. And he's also a Fan of SRK, thats connecting... Really my best, friendliest contact in twitter I had. Now hes my Indistralia friend. Someone who really wants contact, whos faithfully interested! AYnd to me, he is also intresting and I await more contact to know him...

And I also have a friend in writing e-mails... She's wonderful!
Puh, that was much, but it was importen to me to write it down. I feel much better today.


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