Monday, October 31, 2011

Hi there

Many days left, since I wrote some news here. I feel better, not so much depressive. I've spent my days in listen to Shah Rukh Khan movies. And as longer as I am listening to his movies, reading Interviews or listening a documentation about him, I am getting a bigger Fan. But I am not a Teenager anymore so it is not like feeling falling on the floor, and I am not crying for an oxygen bottle, no.
I love him for his thoughts, for his attitude, for his feelings, for his love to his Kids, for his conservativeness, for his rationality and also for unrationality, for his insecurity and security, his childness and for his love to his fans. I adore him in a respectfully, seriously way. He's got such e good heart! For such hearts you sometimes have long to find if you search. He is always friendly to people, even if they don't demonstrate the respect¨to him as he does. He always takes the time for Fans. Tell me, which Hollywood Star does same! He doesn't care about the money when he is shooting a new movie, no. His only sorrow is if his fans like it.
That why I got the biggest respect to him and his work.

But I also like the sound of 'Bollywood'.

That the way I spend my days, his movies and his voice make me feel better.I also spend a lot of time in Skyping with a new friend that I've met in Twitter. We can really talk a long time! I think yesterda it was around 4 to 5 hours... She is very freidnly and kind and we both Love Shah Rukh. But there are also other things we both like or things, we are thinking the same.

One bad thing thst happend is that i start smoking again... I stopped smoking in February this year but like I've written, I felt often very sad and alone and i had always an extremely agitadet melancholia and disquiet inside me. So i began to smoke agasin. At the moment it helps... And I think that this is much better than drinking or drugs or something stupid like that.

But I also working in myself to get better, to don't loosing hope and to look forward. I know, one Day will come good things back to me!

In Twitter I have found a new way to the world and maybe I can change peoples opinion about blind people. We are not dumb, dependent or helpless! I belive in that and one day I will demonstrate it to all unbelivers!

Have a good time and if u are also hit by destiny, DON'T GIVE UP!


1 comment:

  1. hey... you are such a big fan of Shah Rukh Khan... thts superb.. i am too..

    May Allah bless you with the eye sight soon (Insha-Allah) ..

    enjoy :-D
